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We have an amazing database of leads for you. All countries are $99 and you can buy the entire world 165 countries for $179. This offer is valid till Friday.
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New data just for you! Hi, just letting you know you can now select from hundreds of millions of data records in 200+ countries and in various industries. Benefit from it as soon as possible. Browse our databases or request a custom list that suits your needs. There's something for everyone. Have a look!
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It is with sad regret to inform you that because of the Covid pandemic is shutting down at the end of the month. We have lost family members and colleagues and have decided to shut down It was a pleasure serving you all these years. We have made all our databases available for $99 (All of it for $99) for those interested. Kind Regards, Enriqueta
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Hello from, Doing your own product shipping or order fulfillment in house? Tired of it? Visit us on We can store, inventory, and manage your drop shipping / order fulfillment for you. Based in the US for almost 2 decades - we ship around the world and will save you time and money. Who would be the best contact at your company to discuss? Here are some of the items we ship for clients: -Books, training manuals, guides -New member welcomes boxes and gifts -Product samples -Marketing materials -Medical program test kits -Follow up gifts to clients, leads, and prospects Thank you! Fulfillment Warehouse
We at has been hit badly by Covid-19 and as a result is shutting down. We provided the best data to companies to find their right customer base, we don't want other companies to go down the same path we went and go out of business. As a result we are providing our data till the end of the week at the lowest possible prices.
Hello, It is with sad regret to inform you that is shutting down. We have made all our databases for sale for a once-off price. Visit our website to get the best bargain of your life. Regards, Howard
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